Capital Insurance Services Articles

Keeping you up-to-date on commercial insurance.


Tips for Determining Which Type of Auto Insurance is Right for Your Work Vehicle

November 4th, 2019|Categories: Articles|

For professionals who use vehicles for work, there are often concerns raised about whether commercial or personal auto insurance is required. This depends on the industry and what kind of work is being done with those vehicles. Here are some pointers for determining which kind [...]

Workers’ Compensation Insurance – What Employers Should Know

September 5th, 2019|Categories: Articles|

In a highly litigative society, businesses need to cover all their bases. Getting workers’ compensation in Phoenix is one way to make that happen. If you’re thinking about getting workers’ compensation insurance, here are a few of the essentials you’ll need to know. What is [...]

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Finding the right policy is easy. To discuss your specific commercial insurance requirements, speak to one of our talented team members by calling us today at (602) 595-4800.